The first step in getting your website up and running your business is to buy a domain and hosting package. We would guide you step by step.
Step 1: Create an Account and Sign-up
if you don't yet have an account with us, you might want to do so. To create an account, select the "Create Account" tab at the top of the menu area and input your details. Once your details have been inputted and account created, you should sign-in using the details used in creating the account. Most often than not, the system would automatically sign you in once your account has been created.
Step 2: Buy your domain
Once you have signed in as per step 1 above, search for your perfect domain in the search box that would appear in your account. if you can't find it, go to "My Products" at the top far right by clicking on the human icon. Once you have seen the domain you want, select add to cart and complete your purchase. Please check your email as sometimes you might be required to verify your email for your domain to work. PLEASE NOTE: After purchase, your domain might not appear immediately on your dashboard or under your "my product". Please check your email as sometimes you might be required to verify your email for your domain to work. You might want to wait for 5 to 15 mins for the domain to show on your dashboard or client area. While waiting, you can proceed to purchase your hosting package
Step3: Buy Hosting
We have different hosting packages. Before purchase, a hosting package, understand your needs in terms of storage and speed or security. If you are not sure, just buy the Cpanel hosting as it works fine 99% of the time and you can always upgrade at any time. As a rule of thumb, if your website would not need too many resources in terms of files, go for "Cpanel but if you require a robust hosting environment where speed and capacity matters, go for the "Business Hosting". Business Hosting comes with a free SSL Certificate for website security whereas, with Cpanel, you would need to purchase separately. Please note: "Managed Wordpress Hosting" does not come with an email service, you would have to purchase separately.